Monday, November 10, 2008

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!

November 4, 2008; America celebrates the end of the 
Reign of Bush.  To Axelrod and Plouffe:  "We thank you 
very sweetly for doing it so neatly. . . . Let the joyous 
news be spread, the wicked old witch at last is dead."

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Brand New Day!

What an amazing week this has been, with the election of Barack Obama, the sense of relief that The National Embarrassment will be out of office in 2-1/2 months, the pride that we have achieved a measure of racial equality at last.  Online and text messages were flying, A. and I were crying as we watched his acceptance speech.  Anna emailed from Italy, Teri from the Netherlands. Z. called from France the next day, joyfully shouting "President Obama!"  into the phone.  The entire world is celebrating.  The National Embarrassment looked teary when he gave a statement on Wednesday. He pledged to cooperate, the very thought of which is such a foreign concept that I'll be amazed to see if he really does it.  I almost feel pity for him.  He is so thoroughly reviled around the world, except by the most die-hard ditto-heads and zealots. But a new day is dawning. We can hold our heads up again. Let's all pitch in and help.  

And let's keep working to defeat bigotry and overturn Prop 8.