Friday, October 3, 2008

The Moment At Which I Wanted To Throw Some Furniture At The TV

My 25 year old daughter, while traveling and working in Europe and Ghana last year, had her health insurance policy cancelled because of a clerical error.  Her automatic payments stopped, for some reason we are unable to determine, and thus the policy was cancelled for lack of payment.  Now she can't get health insurance, because her last policy ended because of non-payment.  While in Ghana, she contracted a parasitic infection, for which she is not being treated. But, of course, she has no insurance.  So I am digging into my retirement savings to pay for her health care.  

Last night in the debate with Biden, Palin touted McCain's health insurance plan, saying she hoped people would use his proposed $5000 tax deduction to go out and purchase health insurance.  I propose that every member of congress be given a $5000 pay raise, along with cancellation of their health benefits.  How many minutes do you think it would take for them to pass universal health care??