Here is a recent exchange with my sister, Denise, on Facebook. Her comment was in response to an online Facebook poll about universal health care, to which I posted my affirmative vote. Here we go:
Denise: The Government run health care system will kill me! I can't wait months to see a doctor. The doctors say my heart is very very weak. Will the government think I am too sick or too old at 55 for treatment? Scary thought!
Donna: That would be a scary thought if it were true. According to the World Health Organization, Canada, Netherlands, France, all with universal health care, have better outcomes (fewer deaths) for heart disease. You're arguing political talking points, not actual data. The "waiting in line" scenario is not accurate except perhaps for elective, non-urgent procedures. I don't know what health insurance you have, but it's only available to you as long as you are employed. When you're too sick to work in America, and you don't qualify for Medicare (which is a nationalized health care system) you're out of luck.
Denise: I would feel better if Obama and his family would receive the same health coverage that he wants to force on us. It took him 6 months to decide on a puppy, yet he wants congress to approve something in just a few days that no one has fully read including him! Sounds crazy to me!!
Donna: Don't worry; your governor in Texas (where 25% of the population is uninsured--highest percentage in the nation) is claiming he's going to opt out of federal health care.
Denise: That's right! He's got the right idea. Now we just have to get rid of all the illegals! Gov. Perry is a great guy with great ideas! Texas is a great state!!! What other state can you go out for pizza and watch Fox News on the giant flat screen?
Okay, so Denise's last post says it all; she gets her information from Fox News, apparently while eating pizza. I was going to comment further, but it makes me feel so crazy that I can't. I was raised by a pack of wild bigots, and I'm running for my life.
Was she serious????
It's so bad it's almost like
a parody...
: [
She's completely serious. This is the sister who fought tooth and nail, saying I was trying to cheat my siblings during our feud over my parents' will, but admitted to me recently that she never read it, nor the final documents she had to sign to settle the estate. She likes to let other people do her thinking for her.
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