Saturday, January 5, 2008

NO NO NO (that's right)

The Republics seem to be the party that is, as a general knee-jerk response, against things, except for war and standardized testing.  No taxes, no social security, no universal health care, no gays, no immigrants, no functional levies, no safe bridges, no dissent, no ideas, no nothin'.  For the youth, just say no to everything.  Abstain.  No information.  No, no, no, including no to original thought, because that would be unpatriotic.  No free speech either.   No Habeas Corpus. No creativity in the teaching profession.  Even Bush's signature federal program has the word "NO" in it:  "NO Child Left Behind".  NO.  NO.  NO.  They are the party of finger-wagging, scolding, nay-sayers.  LET'S VOTE 'EM OUT; YES!!!


phryGIAN said...

We shall
and when I say
We I really mean it
I've already registered
even though I'm going
to have to do it again when
I switch apartments. I'm ready.
It's so cool that you have a blog
I'm finally able to comment on it
because my computer has been broken
for more than a week. But, yes
keep it up!
= ]

phryGIAN said...

The new trumpet
has been sadly neglected
most of this break
it's really bad
but i haven't been practicing
as often as I would like
what do you think about
elmer? It came to me in
a dream...