Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let the Iraqis vote

This is what I want the Sunday morning political talking politirobots--did you know that the word "robot" comes from the Czech work "robata", meaning "forced labor"?--to ask the flag-waving, pro-war, pro-100-years occupation, self-described saviors of freedom and bringers of democracy in Iraq:  since you're so proud of the "democratic" elections and surge-induced success in Iraq, can't we just agree to hold a special election in Iraq and let the people decide if they want our troops there?  If not, why not?  If it's all about democracy, as they claim, there should be no argument.  But, of course, the warmongers can't agree to such a sensible action, because everyone (who isn't dumbed into deplorable ignorance by Fox News and Rush) knows that the majority of Iraqis want us out.  

But why not ask the question a thousand times and watch them squirm?  
Why not push McBush on this issue?

1 comment:

phryGIAN said...

I'm amazed you actually read the whole blog. Actually, writing it was infinitely more enjoyable than the task at hand. I'm going to give it one more shot but, honestly I get the feeling like it doesn't really matter
: [

And once again, you raise an excellent point. Did you hear about the White house's new "financial overhaul"? The article I read referenced the great depression which is a little too close for comfort to me...