Monday, January 19, 2009

Last day for 43

Certainly the years of the 2nd Bush administration will be remembered as the era of preemptive war, of torture, of spying on Americans, of incompetence and/or deliberate abdication of responsibility, of Bush-fiddles-while-Rome-burns head-in-the-sand non-action on global climate change.  I hope history books also brand them as the archetypes of shameful and malignant cowardice.  This mob of fools used fear--and exhibited fear--in response to every threat, real or imagined.  Instead of inspiring the people with courage, with calling forth our better angels, they cowered in undisclosed bunkers, whiled away time in the wastelands of Texas while a city drowned, whined and grew petulant in the face of hardship, and dishonored themselves, our nation, and each and every one of us, both on the world stage and within our own collective psyche.  Bush hopes the history books will portray him as he deserves to be portrayed, and on this one point I agree wholeheartedly with President #43.  

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