Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

I went to an event in a nearby town, where we watched the inauguration ceremony and speech, and celebrated with food and music.  As we watched G.W. Bush lift off in the helicopter on his way to Texas, we sang, "Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey, goodbye" and cheered.  I was standing next to my former therapist, and I asked her, "As a mental health professional, do you feel some sympathy for the guy or do you just see him as a war criminal like the rest of us do?"  She looked thoughtful for a few seconds, then said, "To say I feel sympathy would be too personal.  I would say I feel some compassion.  My Buddhist self compels me to feel compassion."  Then she contemplated for a few more seconds, bounced off toward the dance floor, and said, "Aw, f**k it, I hate the guy; I need to go dance now."

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